Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 4th

Well is there any other way to start the holiday than a package of homemade goodies from Lollie? Isn't this shirt adorable?!

This year I took some extra time off before/after the weekend to spend some time in our new trailer. Check out the spot we got!

Isn't it super cool? Logan clearly thinks so! Here he's standing on our "bed". Our spot was so near to the creek, we could've extended our bed out over the water. It was absolutely the most calming way to fall asleep.

I mean, does this kid get cuter?

After a wonderful day (and an hour at the spa down the road--thanks, honey), we headed to Creede/Little Squaw to spend the 4th with Mimi and Grandy.

On the fourth, we all went to Creede to watch the parade. It was really awesome.

There were so many things that reminded me of those we love who we weren't with.

There were tons of beautiful horses that always make me think of Mom. This little horse and carriage reminded me of Mom because for a while she was looking for the perfect carriage for her horse to pull.

There were antique cars that I know Dad would've loved. arrrugaa

There were clowns, which remind me Grandma.

There was this hilarious river rafting group atop a school bus that reminded us of Justin.

There was this cool old firetruck that reminded us of Uncle Steve and Eric.

Oh and the best part? Well, you'd have to ask Logan. But I'm pretty sure he thought his very first lollipop was friggin awesome. Thank goodness it was blue (and matched his shirt).

The next day, we hung around the cabins mostly. Here Mimi is introducing Logan to deer through the window.

The Long family had one heckuva Fourth of July. Thanks to Mimi and Grandy for having us to the cabins. We enjoyed our visit and miss you already.

Summer Trip to Texas

Summer has been a time for travel! Micah and Logan travelled to Texas to visit family while Jen was at an all week work thing. Oh the fun they had!

First, they went and played at Uncle Johnny's and Aunt Angela's. They had so much fun. John sent me the cutest video of Logan playing with their cat. Due to "technical difficulties", I can't upload the adorable stuff we got with them. Here's two second cousins playing in their pool, though. Jessica saved the day by "swinging by" to grab up my clan. She brought Victoria, so the kids enjoyed some fun in the sun. (Thanks again, Jess!)

Next, Micah was off to see Lollie and GPops. They had invited all the family over for a delicious brunch, so everyone could meet Logan. Lots of family came. Micah said he had a great time catching up with everyone. The Blackburn boys sure have grown up, and Micah enjoyed chatting with them. Aunt Tricia came and Kayleigh who Logan enjoyed playing with. I loved watching the videos with all you guys and sure was sad to miss out on all the fun!

Next stop was a quick visit in Hempstead to see Dada and Wanda. They sure do love Logan, although I'm not so sure their dog does ;-)

Then, the boys went to Bertram to see Grandma and Grandpa. Logan had so much fun with Grandma's puppies.

He also had a wonderful time exploring the land. He saw his first tarantula and was so at home he fell asleep on the Cub (the 4 wheeler Mom has to manage her land).

Then, Micah and Logan went to Dripping Springs where he spent lazy days by Mimi's and Grandy's pool. Logan had a great time playing with Grandmommie, the cousins, Aunt Hollie and Uncle John.

Cameron was such a natural at watching after Logan, Micah tells me we're trading babysitting for a day on the mountain! Any time, Cameron! Well... you might want to wait until winter ;-)

At some point, Micah got to sneak away to surf behind Ian's boat. The boys had fun together. Wish I was there, but I'm glad they got some time just the two of 'em. I've got a great pic of Micah ridin' the waves, but I can't find it. If I do, I'll upload it later.

And here Logan is at the end of the trip, helping Grandmommie clean like a good little mini-Micah. :-D The boys also got to hang out with Eric, who was able to sliver out a little bit of time between work and studies.

For those they missed, next time, we hope to have more time to see you too! A special thanks to Grandmommie for making this trip possible!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

WOW! has it been 4 months already?

Whew! What a busy time! January came and went.

February, we celebrated Logan's birthday together with Mimi, Gramps & K, and Uncle Johnny and Aunt Angela. Thank you all for making the trip!! It made his first birthday super special. Logan LOVES his Uncle Johnny! He loves it when he beat boxes. Logan can be mid melt down & Uncle Johnny beat boxing brings him to giggles. He also really loved playing "noggins" with Uncle Johnny, where they would rub their foreheads together while saying "noggins". Goofy Uncle Johnny is a perfect match with sweet Aunt Angela, whose charm with all the kids is ever present and amazing.

Check out the robot birthday cake I made! (But the real hit of the party was the slide Gramps & K got him.) Logan's birthday was the perfect excuse to throw a nice little party. I miss so many of our friends and family. With the hustle and bustle of parenthood, we never seem to make time to spend with those most important to us. We love you all and are so thankful that you took time out of your schedules to be with us!

In March, we had the opportunity to travel to Miami Beach to visit Gramps & K. It was quite an awesome visit. Logan got to meet Great Grandma Shirley and Aunt Aileen & Uncle Mike. He also got to meet Mitch & Marla. I'm going to have to post pics and stories from this trip separately. I've got videos I'd like to include too. I'm just too tired to do it tonight and it's on a separate camera :-(

April has been crazy busy for us. Roan's 4th birthday was on the 2nd.

(check out the outfits Lollie made in this pic)

The Moms came to town for the occasion, which was a really awesome visit. I've been missing MommieToo, and it was really wonderful getting to see her. She had quite the magic touch with Maddox. She gave Heather the best present of all time - the night shift! She also was instrumental in getting Maddox to sleep longer stints through the night, so I know Sis is super thankful for her mommie touch. Lollie stayed with us. It was great getting to visit. She dotes on Logan (and the Vaughan kids) so much. She has made them some really incredible outfits. I can't wait to post pics of Logan in his Easter outfit!

Of course Lollie isn't the only one who spoils the kids. Logan got an awesome toy and this adorable, telling bib from Grandma.

And Maddox officially has a fan club. Grandma, of course, tops the list. Logan is also super into his cousin right now. I'll see if Lollie can send me a video of Logan hugging Maddox. Those boys are so darn cute together.

The second weekend of April, we got to celebrate baby Culligan with Monica's baby shower. I had a really great time hosting her wonderful friends and some of our co-workers at her beautiful home down in Littleton. Lots of fun. Thanks to all who helped!

This week, Micah and I will celebrate our 5th anniversary two days before I hop on a plane to Arizona to begin my Global MBA program at Thunderbird. When I return the following Saturday, Micah & I get to go to see Lauryn Hill, so I'm pretty stoked about that. The next day is Easter and a few days later is my 33rd birthday. As you can see, April has been crazy! We're looking forward to a little calm in May.

Logan Facts:

- He is now cutting molars. What a big boy!

- He is talking up a storm, although we aren't always sure what he is saying ;-) Common words are "go", "more", "dog", and "down" (although he means up). I'm sure Lollie can post more common words. She was great at speaking his language and identifying his words!

- He loves giving Mommie and Daddy kisses. We got lucky with this one. He leans in with his mouth closed. It's so darn cute. I remember when John was a baby, he always wanted to kiss with an open mouth (common for babies, I think). It was worth it for his sweet baby kisses, but I do have to say I'm not disappointed Logan prefers the closed mouth technique! ;-)