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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Big Moves

I can officially confirm the leak from Logan is crawling!!!

He can also pull up in his crib. And we expect that in no time, he'll be playing soccer... Welllll, that might be a little bit of a stretch, but I'm telling you this kid makes leaps and bounds in physical ability every day it seems like!

We've started SKYPE-ing (video calling) with Lolli & G-Pop. I'm not sure who has more fun: him or them! If you want to SKYPE too, our user name is Jen_Micah.

He's also eating more often, up to 3 times a day. He's soon to eat us out of house & home (already!).

And here's the latest Long jam session...

And here Logan & Hunter are learning to live together (no babies or animals were harmed in the filming of this video). Hunter has been INCREDIBLY patient and forgiving. Let's hope Logan can be the same!

He continues to be the smilingest baby ever. People stop us all the time to tell us how our baby is smiling at them.