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Friday, December 31, 2010

Merry Christmas

Boy oh boy the fun we had!

We pumped up the holiday spirit by going to Zoo Lights. Unfortunately it was Andye's awesome suggestion, but we couldn't seem to schedule anything that stuck before she left on her Chicago trip. Zoo Lights was the COOLEST! Actually, it was freeezing that night, but it did get us in the spirit! Even sister made it out! It was her first out of the house event since the baby. She was chauffered by GPops (co-chillin in a wheelchair) while Lollie was snapping these great pics. Arwen toted Roan (who got an owie on her knee) and Micah & I pushed the boys in strollers. It was a fun way to start the holiday.

Two nights before Christmas, Lollie, Micah and I took the big kids to see Santa. It was a lot of fun too. But before we could go, Roan "needed" a new Christmas dress. Can you believe Lollie had just the thing?! There was even a new dress for Baby Sarah!

Well, before we could head off to the North Pole, we grabbed a few shots of Sis and the kids by the Christmas tree.

Then off to Santa's abode we went! Logan did wonderfully. He didn't cry at all. I thinking taking the picture with his big cousin Roan really helped!

The next day was Christmas Eve. We began the celebration with decadent chocolate croissants Mom had shipped in from Williams Sonoma. YUM! The Vaughan family came over for a bit in the morning, then had some quiet time to themselves and came back for dinner that evening. We had a delicious dijon chicken shishkabob with rice and brocolli. Roan spent the night that night. After a good bath, the kids went to bed, and we had fun being first time parents on Christmas Eve. Man, it's a heck of a lot more tiring than it used to be! ;-)

In the morning, Roan was incredibly patient as she awaited her parents arrival. In the meantime, I whipped up a breakfast veggie frittata to accompany our Morning Buns (also a tasty treat from Williams Sonoma). Here's what the kids were waiting for...

Even Santa was there...

And then the mayhem of opening presents began!

Please do notice Roan with about 82 bows in her hair, wearing layers of new clothes. Priceless.

Speaking of priceless...

We had to take a short break for Logan to nap. When we resumed, we Skyped Gramps and K. It was really awesome. They even got to see Logan experimenting with his new firetruck. Thanks Gramps & K!

Later that day, we dropped Mom & Stephen off at the airport, but not before we made a lot of wonderful holiday memories.

YAY! Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas, too!!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Arrival of Baby Maddox

We had a great time preparing for little baby Vaughan's arrival. In the days prior, we spent lots of family time together.

The night before Heather went in for the scheduled C-section, we all sat around and reviewed the spreadsheet itenerary she had prepared for us. We were lucky enough to have an extra house guest. No not Lollie & GPops, although we were lucky to have them there too, but ROAN got to stay with us, so we had to know all about her busy schedule. To celebrate the coming day, we enjoyed some pink champagne left over from Thanksgiving (thanks to Andye & Gavin!)

The next morning, December 16, Lollie and I met Heather and Arwen at their house at 4:30AM! to head over to the hospital. I think Arwen was a little distracted or perhaps not awake yet. Here you can see he's wearing two different shoes. Silly Arwen!

And here my sister is preparing for the big (pun intended) event...

Scheduled C-sections seem like the way to go. Heather's appointment was at 7am, and the baby's birth time was 7:04! Surgery went without complication (whew!) and Heather was glad to not have labored this big boy -- 10 pounds, 3.4 ounces!

Heather was a champ throughout recovery in the hospital.

Here we are visiting her in the hospital.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch (home), Roan was putting on a magical Winter Celebration at school. Since her mommy and daddy were busy at the hospital, Lollie, GPops and I got to go check it out. It was adorable! The class sang songs together and then had brunch. It was a really great experience to meet her teacher and classmates.

The next day, Roan got to play with Audrey all day (thanks again, Scott & Molly!) while Lollie and I shopped. By the time we got to the hospital, Roan was sacked out. The two Vaughan kids look pretty snuggly.

The next day Heather & Arwen brought Baby Maddox home.

But the fun didn't stop there!

Lollie and I took Roan to a puppet show (for big girls only!)

Here Roan & Lollie are making their very own puppets!

We also enjoyed some delicious dinners over at Sis's house.

And then it was time to prepare for the babies' first Christmas!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Where is the PAUSE button?

Tonight, he took his first succession of steps... one right after the other after the next. Micah and I were thrilled to be spending some family time together, so we both got to witness it! It should be noted his first steps were toward the loving arms of his daddy (the cutest thing ever to witness!)!! We'll try to get a video of him walking. In the meantime enjoy this shot of cousin Roan helping Logan, leading him around, trying to help him to find his footing. And just one day later, he did it allll by himself!

It seems our little man is just growing up so quickly. As you'll see from the pictures posted, all his teeth (he's up to 6 or 7 now) really change his look from baby to almost toddler.

Micah and I have really been enjoying this stage. So much so that I would prefer we stay here for a while. Too bad there's no pause button. This weekend we went to the community pool, where we all had quite a great time. Who could help but enjoy themselves to this little tyke figuring it all out, splashing about, holding on to the side, and giggling giggling giggling.

And here's some videos... (yes, this may've been the most over-documented moment ever, but we were having fun!)

The boys got to enjoy the last round of great weather at the free day at the Botanic Gardens.

They've also been hanging out at the free Aquarium playground. Here's a couple of candid shots Micah got.

Oh & how could I forget Halloween? Lolli came for a quick visit.

Grandma Carolyn sent the kids the most adorable holiday shirts.

And the cutest little monkey in town was hanging out all weekend!

Micah and I had a soiree. I went as a Gin (Jen) & Tonic with a splash of lime, and he was a flaming Dr.Pepper.

And look how adorable my sweet sister is!

Here's a couple more shots from the last couple of months. I really loved this one of the Long boys at the Science Museum, but I didn't download it off my phone for the last post.

And believe it or not, this was in no way associated with Halloween... just two wild & crazy guys...